T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / GÖLBAŞI - Erdem Beyazıt Anadolu Lisesi

PAK Summary

Our project involves participation of the volunteer teachers to the course for working in our school for their refreshment and improvement in speaking activities which have importance in teaching English to be applied in classes. The main goal of the project is to create efficient speaking atmosphere in the class by refreshing the teachers during the course at the point of communicative activities in ELT. Correspondingly the success in language teaching will increase, the students will be more competent and eager in using the language and they will achieve their career objectives. The volunteer English teachers have at least ten years experience in their jobs. The participants have effective role in speaking and phonetic club in the name of TUBITAK projects and continuing Comenius project called DROPS. The teachers are going to participate in Developing Oral Fluency Course. During and after the course the cooperation with European colleagues will support the teachers to be more dynamic and be member of Information Age. It will help them to transfer European values into their culture and present them to the students. End of this course our participants will be more efficient in the new curriculum that will be applied from the ninth grade. Teenagers will have ideas in practical usage of English; in addition they are  going to have an important role in their students´ academic improvement with acquired skills, techniques and methods in the course. They will contribute in achieving the goals of our school the mission of which is to progress permanently. Thanks to the projects and its positive effects with the contact meeting to be held, sharing in our project web sites, publications of Education Informatics Net which is a unit of Ministry of Education not only the staff in our school but also colleagues in our town and country will be eager in improving themselves by the means of projects. By applying the survey which was completed before the course the progress on our students and teachers will be followed regularly.


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Yayın: 13.01.2017 - Güncelleme: 02.06.2023 09:30 - Görüntülenme: 1745
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