T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / GÖLBAŞI - Erdem Beyazıt Anadolu Lisesi

Çek Cumhuriyeti


The sixth meeting , Drops of Communication , was held in Brno-Czech Republic on  9th -13th March. The first and the last days were for arrival and departure. We had a three- day program in Brno.

We participated the meeting as one teacher and four students. "Drops of Communication" was a good opportunity for teaching our own culture and learning the other countries'. We performed folk dances from different parts of Turkey and a play about communication and technology.  Our performances were admired by partner schools so we can claim that our students did a great job.

The school in Brno was well designed for education. Students had lockers for their coats, shoes and books, therefore they could feel like home. All the walls were full of colorful activities that the students prepared.

On the first day of the meeting, we were welcomed with a lovely ceremony prepared by host school teachers and students. Our students performed their play and were given a big hand for their wonderful performance. After that, while our students are attending classes with their new friends, our Czech coordinator made a presentation about their education system.

On the following days,  we visited Villa Tugendhat ( one of the pioneering prototypes of modern architecture in Europe), Vranov nad Dýjí Castle, The Cairn of Peace Memorial, and had a guided tour through Brno.


On the way back home, we had the chance to spend some time in Prague because of our flight schedule. We visited Prague Castle which is full of historical buildings, Charles Bridge that has wonderful scene with its statues and Danube("Tuna Nehri" as we called) river, Astronomical Clock and Kavarna Slavia where Nazım Hikmet wrote some of his poems.



Briefly, our meeting in Czech Republic was a good opportunity for students and teacher to learn something new about the culture, traditions, history, architecture and education system of the host country and to introduce their culture and traditions. As they stayed at host families' places, our students have new friends from now on. 


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Yayın: 12.05.2015 - Güncelleme: 17.05.2022 12:27 - Görüntülenme: 3038
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