T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / GÖLBAŞI - Erdem Beyazıt Anadolu Lisesi



The fifth meeting , Drops of Learning , was held in Vienna-Austria on 1st-5th December. The first and the last days were for arrival and departure. We had a three- day program in Vienna.

We participated the meeting as four teachers and six students. 'Drops of Learning ' was an additional topic to our project to share and try out different methodologies in teaching and learning process. We made a presentation about 'Teaching  Speaking Skills' which has a crucial part in English teaching. The meeting was also connected with a 'European  Fair' where each country could represent traditional Christmas products. As we don't have something traditional for Christmas, we represented the traditions in our Religious Festival ,Ramadan. Our students prepared a power point about Ramadan Festival and presented their work there. We had a European Fair at the host school. All the participants set a table to introduce their traditional Christmas products. We introduced our products like baklava, cologne, candies , stuffed grape leaves, pasty , Turkish delight, lemonade as food and drinks and some handmade gifts like handkerchief, hairpin, postcards,booklets related to Ramadan. Our stand was admired  by other teachers and students  a lot. Our students did a great a job in introducing the products and Turkish traditions. 

The school we visited was in the 14th District of Vienna where lots of Turkish families live. It was very affective for us to see and share something with our people in this land. The architecture of the school was so different , it was made of just glass and steel .There was  warm atmosphere around .The kids were very lovely and hospitable.

On the following days ,we had a guided tour in the city center .We visited Schönbrunn Palace,Hofburg Palace and Schatzkammer (Treasure Room), Rathaus , St.Stephen Cathedral , St.Peter Church. Later, we went sightseeing through Danube Canal. There were lots of fascinating places to see in Vienna ,it was like an open-air museum . The streets were full of decorations for Christmas and it was possible to walk around and do shopping in  Christmas Fairs in some parts of the city.

This meeting was a great chance for our students and teachers to learn about new culture, use and improve their English , introduce their country and traditions , have new friends from all over Europe. We wish much more people can benefit from this opportunity by means of projects.



You can visit our website                   http://skilldrops.webnode.hu/



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Yayın: 12.05.2015 - Güncelleme: 17.05.2022 12:27 - Görüntülenme: 3068
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